Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Project A: Part 2 

       I first started my concept for this under water world with my main character controlled by the player. Originally, I was inspired by images of "The Creature From The Black Lagoon" and fish people seen in movies like Aquaman. As I started to sketch out the character, you can see it started to change a bit. I had two thoughts when creating it. I wanted it to look more like an evolve human into the future than just being a fish man. Also, I thought that too many fins and lines and details would be more difficult to replicate for an animator or game design artist. Having these thoughts in mind, I simplified the character a bit. I went future in my concept illustrations to show details in the faces and some of the different features which could be varied by the game user. I sketched out a face with masculine features and one with more feminine features. I showed my concept for the human webbed hands in feet of the main characters. I sketched out a few recognized sea creatures and one mythological Meglodon. I also added an environmental concept drawing to give a perspective on atmospheric perspective in this open world underwater game. I want there to be many canyons and caves to explore in the game. Lots of places creatures can hide and players may approach them without relizing it. It's going to be interesting to compose all these elements together for the final presentation.

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